Research Funding

Principles of Allocating Financial Resources for Research Activities at the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw

§ 1

The Management of the Institute of Art History oversees the financial resources for research activities provided by the Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Arts, University of Warsaw.

§ 2

  1. The funds allocated to the Institute of Art History are distributed through a competition for research projects submitted by the academic staff employed at the Institute (except for the reserve overseen by the Management, as described in § 4).
  2. The deadline for submitting applications for research project funding is announced annually after the financial resources for research activities are provided to the Institute by the Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Arts.
  3. Applications are submitted to the Management in electronic form and as a signed printout of the completed form, which constitutes Appendix 1 to these regulations.
  4. Both individual and collective applications are accepted. In justified cases, participation in the project by individuals not employed by the Institute (e.g., doctoral students) is possible, but the principal investigator must always be an academic staff member employed at the Institute.
  5. Within one month of the application deadline, the Management evaluates the applications and decides on the allocation and amount of funding.
  6. Only applications compliant with the principles of spending resources on research activities are considered. The following criteria are taken into account in the evaluation:
    • the academic merit of the project,
    • the anticipated impact of the planned results on the evaluation of the quality of scientific activities in the disciplines in which the project collaborators conduct research,
    • detailed budget and justifiable expenses,
    • the involvement of project participants in scientific and teaching activities, as well as administrative work for the Institute,
    • the impact of the previous achievements of the project participants on the evaluation of the quality of scientific activities in the disciplines in which they conduct research,
    • in the case of receiving funds for research activities in previous years— demonstrable positive impact of previously received funding.
  7. In case of funding allocation, the Management informs the principal investigator in writing, indicating the allocated amount, the final deadline for its use and the deadline for submitting the project report.
  8. The principal investigator funded by research activity funds is responsible for the timely use of funds and for submitting a written project report to the Management in electronic form and as a signed printout of the completed form, which constitutes Appendix 2 to these regulations.
  9. In case of non-allocation of funds, the Management informs the principal investigator in writing about the decision with justification.

§ 3

If the Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Arts does not provide or significantly reduces the funds for research activities, the Management may suspend the allocation of funds described in § 2.

§ 4

  1. The Management allocates a reserve fund within the resources provided to the Institute of Art History.
  2. The reserve fund mentioned in § 4 point 1 is intended to cover expenses related to the implementation of tasks and research topics reflecting the main directions of the Institute’s scientific activities, particularly for the following purposes:
    • purchase of books and journals for the Institute’s Library,
    • co-financing the journal “Ikonotheka,” published by the Institute (including financing translations into English and specialist foreign language editing and proofreading of scientific texts),
    • co-financing the publications of Institute staff (primarily doctoral and habilitation theses),
    • co-financing the edition of sources and other scientific publications prepared by Institute staff,
    • co-financing conferences organized by the Institute, as well as the publication of their materials,
    • co-financing the scientific activities of doctoral students and student research clubs,
    • co-financing the costs of copyrights and publication rights for photographs in articles authored by Institute staff that have been accepted for publication in highly-rated journals or scientific publications,
    • other purposes related to the statutory activities of the Institute.