Diploma Examination

Guidelines for the supervisor prior to the planned diploma examination:

  1. Basic information about the thesis should be submitted no later than one month before the planned diploma examination (using a specific Google form) to be approved by the Teaching Council.
  2. Following the approval of the Teaching Council – send the proposed composition of the examination commission (supervisor, reviewer, chairperson) to the Head of the Educational Unit at: dziekanatstudenckiwnks@uw.edu.pl.
  3. Approval of the thesis details, submission to the Anti-Plagiarism System, and approval of the report results through an online system APD (Archive of Diploma Theses).

ORDINANCE NO 120 OF THE RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW of 5 June 2020 on the submission of the thesis and the remote diploma examination procedure

Theses approved by the Teaching Council in the 2021-2024 term

Topics, supervisors, and reviewers of theses approved by the Teaching Council from May to December 2020